This 3sqm downwind sail rig is not intended to convert your kayak into a rigidly set-up sailing kayak. This fleximast sail rig is simply an aid to assist covering greater distances when the wind is generally blowing in the same direction that you are intending to paddle to. When there is no wind, the sail rig lies flat on your front deck, ready in an instant as soon as the winds are favorable. As this is a downwind sail rig, there is no wasteful zig-zagging as done with upwind sail rigs nor do you need stabilising outriggers, leeboards or deep keels.
To switch from paddling mode to sailing mode, it just takes 15 seconds and about the same time to swicth back to paddling mode. On the tandems and triple seaters, the rear paddler can continue to paddle should the winds be light when the sail is up (EG front paddler is tired).
Ready to go on Neris Smart PRO and PRO S, SMART-3, SMART-2 and SMART-1 kayaks. These kayak models already have the required mast base holders as well as the cleat holder for all of the control lines, fitted as standard.